Episode 21
The Battle of New Orleans (Scott, Sean, & Joe McGregor)
June 12th, 2023
1 hr 37 mins 30 secs
Season 1
About this Episode
Forget your political compass and Myers-Briggs tests, what's your favorite Napoleonic Wars Coalition War? If you're a Sixth Coalitioner, this episode is your episode. Scott and I were joined by veteran podcaster and barbecue enjoyer Joe McGregor to talk through Johnny Horton's 1959 The Battle of New Orleans. An in-depth discussion of the War of 1812, the eponymous battle, and it's later results follows.Anglophiles might want to sit this one out, this episode leans heavily American Exceptionalistic, Old Hickory would be proud. Break out your bacon and beans, load your 1795 Springfield and Remember the Eighth!
Link to the song: https://youtu.be/50_iRIcxsz0
Follow Joe's history podcast Battle Rattle: http://battlerattlepodcast.com/ (available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts)
Find Joe on his socials:
Twitter: @josephmcgregor
Instagram: @ministersofsmoke (for great BBQ recommendations). @jmcgregor (for photography and great burger recommendations)
Follow Scott and Sean on Twitter:
Scott - @dotgiff
Sean - @hashtag_hey_bro
Think you've got a good song we should do a show on? Send us a DM on Twitter or an email: [email protected]